Entry Form Hungarian Baja

    XX. Hungarian Baja - EK/CEZ/HU - 2023. augusztus 10-12.


    Teszt / Shakedown:
    Igen / YesNem / No

    Itiner típusa / Road-Book type
    Füzet / BookTekercs / RollVízálló füzet / Waterproof Book (100 Euro)

    Nevező / Entrant

    Neve / Name:

    Címe / Adress:

    Nemzetiség / Nationality:



    Licenc szám / Licence Number:

    Versenyzők / Competitors

    1. versenyző / 1st Driver

    Neve / Name :

    Címe / Adress :

    E-mail (ide érkezik a visszaigazolás):

    Ha nem érkezne meg a visszaigazolás, ellenőrizd a "spam" fiókot, mert lehetséges, hogy engedélyezned kell a fogadást! If the confirmation email does not arrive at the email address you provided, please check your spam folder

    Nemzetiség / Nationality:

    Születési idő / Date of birth: (xxxx-xx-xx)


    Licenc szám / Licence Number:

    Vércsoport / Blood group:

    Jogosítvány száma / Driving Licence N°:

    Jogosítvány érvényessége / Driving Licence expire:

    2. versenyző / 2nd Driver

    Neve / Name :

    Címe / Adress :

    E-mail :

    Nemzetiség / Nationality:

    Születési idő / Date of birth: (xxxx-xx-xx)


    Licenc szám / Licence Number:

    Vércsoport / Blood group:

    Jogosítvány száma / Driving Licence N°:

    Jogosítvány érvényessége / Driving Licence expire:

    3. versenyző / 3rd Driver

    Neve / Name :

    Címe / Adress :

    E-mail :

    Nemzetiség / Nationality:

    Születési idő / Date of birth: (xxxx-xx-xx)


    Licenc szám / Licence Number:

    Vércsoport / Blood group:

    Jogosítvány száma / Driving Licence N°:

    Jogosítvány érvényessége / Driving Licence expire:

    Jármű / Vehicle

    Gyártmány / Make:

    Tipus / Type:

    Vázszám / Chassin N°:

    Űrtartalom / Cyl. capacity (cm3):

    Rendszám / Registr. N°:

    Jármű gyártási ideje / Vehicle production time:


    Üzemanyag / Fuel

    Gépcsoport / Group:

    Géposztály / Class:

    FIM Baja World Cup Class:

    Mams-Bike-Quad / Class:

    FIA homologizációs szám / FIA Homologization Nr.:

    FIA Gépkönyv száma / FIA Technical Passport Nr.:

    ASN Gépkönyv száma / ASN Technical Passport Nr.:

    Szeretnék fedélzeti kamerát használni. / I want to use an onboard camera.

    Kamera tipusa. / Kamera type:

    Felhasználás célja. / Use of footage:

    Számlázási adatok (Cég neve, Ország, Irányítószám, Település, Cím) / Invoice address (Company's name, Country, ZIP code, City, Address):

    Adószám / Tax Nr.:

    Baleset esetén értesítendő / In case of accident too be notified:

    Szerviz csapat elérhetősége baleset esetén / Service Team contract detail in case of accident:

    További Szerviz matrica igénylése / Request of addicional Service plate:

    További szerviz terület igénylése / Request of Addicional Service Area

    A) Obligations Every participant (competitor, mechanic, assistant, entrant/sponsor) takes part in the event on his/her own responsibility. They have civil or criminal liability for any damage caused by them or their vehicles. The exemption of this liability is invalid in the Supplementary Regulation of the event. The competitor and the crew also declare that they submit themselves to an eventual alcohol, doping or drug test. The competitor and the crew, being aware of their responsibility, declare that the data given on this form agree with the facts and the vehicle entered and all its parts meet the requirements of the Regulations of the Hungarian Federations and through this Annex J of the International Sporting Code (with amendments). If the competitor is not the owner of the vehicle used at the event, he or she exempts all personnel listed in section B below from all claims made by the owner of the vehicle, and by signing the Entry Form he/she declares that the owner of the vehicle waives all his/her rights listed above. By signing the entry form, the crew members agree that the operator of the GPS system transfers the data to the organiser, the officials of the rally and the Cross-Country Rally Committee of the Hungarian Federations.

    B) Limitation and exclusion of liability By signing the Entry Form, every participant (competitor, mechanic, assistant, entrant/sponsor) waives his/her right to take legal or other action against: FIA, FIM, MNASZ, MAMS and members, officers, experts, employees, organizer/promoter of these organizations, their representatives, assistants, employees, the owners of the venue or facilities on the venue, etc, where the racetrack is situated, and the owners, members, employees, representatives, assistants and their attendants, experts of the racetrack, and any other natural or legal person who is in contact with the event in case of any accidents or injuries, which not includes premeditated accidents, or accidents caused by severe negligence. These entry conditions will take effect if the competitor signs the Entry Form to finalise his/her entry on this event. By signing, the signatory accepts the restrictions mentioned above. If the competitor is injured or any changes in his/her health occurs, which requires immediate medical attention, the signatory exempts the doctors, providing the care, from their confidentiality obligations to the MAMS/MNASZ or the official personnel of the event (official physician, clerk of the course, race director, supervisors). In case of an underage competitor, his/her legal representative, under the conditions set above, fully consents to the participation on this event of his/her child or any underage person under his/her care under full criminal liability with his/her signature. Submitting my entry I declare that I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy and I accept the Privacy Statement. I give my permission to present my name on entry and result lists in connection to the races.